Dream catcher

Does the dreamer catch the wild thoughts? Or do the thoughts catch a hold of the dreamer? Either way, the dreamer decides…

Thoughts in their nature are like seeds; each small seed already containing the entire DNA to germinate and blossom into a full fledged tree. Yet a seed doesn’t look wild at first, it’s small and fragile in fact, but plant it in good soil (right motives) and water something you cannot see – that is WILD, that is faith in action.

Like a seed buried in the dark, so are our dreams, literally and metaphorically. We close our eyes and all we see is black, yet we dream in colour, a reminder to add colour to the black and white outlined drawings and plans of our dreams.

Dreams come not just when we lay our head to rest. Have you ever caught yourself in a quiet moment or sat to watch a sunset and your thoughts drift away as you start to dream about something else; what you want for dinner, what you want to do the next day… we imagine it as we dream it.

Our imagination and our dreams a lot of the time are one and the same. Our imaginations are so ridiculously incredible, we are born with this invisible gift like a child’s toy. The power to dream and imagine is given to every single human, past, present and future. The problem I think, is that we grow up and we think we are now too adult to dream or to let our imaginations run wild, so like our childhood toys, they get stored away in boxes and collect dust and the wheels and cogs start to rust.

The most part of society is addicted to the hustle, to bettering technology, to bettering our bodies and to living longer, for the most part it’s conformity that ruins creativity and individuality. Maybe, just maybe as our childish imaginations and big dreams start to wrinkle, so does our body. How often do you just sit and really let your mind just think. Not impacted or influenced by music, a podcast, eating, or being distracted by going for a walk or other people there, just you and your imagination, you and your dreams.

The irony of dreams and our imagination, is that we do it best when we close our eyes and block out all the noise and distraction. There in the darkness, just like the seed, is the germination of growth, of colourful dreams and possibilities. Imagination is like a bottomless treasure chest of golden ornaments. Open the lid, unlock the chest - you hold the key. Dive head first into the Gold that is your individual thoughts, your quirky humour, all the beautiful, the bold and the bizarre that isn’t uninfluenced by anything other than what is held in the seed of your DNA.

It is good for humans to be alone, we really, truly and scarily don’t do it often enough. So enjoy the company of your thoughts and make them full of life, colour, dreams and wonder. What if we chose to see the things around us like it were the first time, like a child in awe of the beach, or seeing a kangaroo for the first time, or smelling a frangipani, or dancing to no song in-particular just because you have the ability to. Do the dreams catch a hold of the dreamer, or does the dreamer catch a hold of the wild thoughts? Either way, the dreamer decides… dream on dreamer!

Big Love